Pristine Peace Trade beans begin their adventure from a single origin in the mountainous, tropical, and shaded Kivus region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Dignified farmers hand select each bean as they mature to an ideal ripeness.

Practicing regenerative organic agronomy, we all come together to prepare your Peace Trade beans for their journey to America.

Once safely inside Grain Pro and Peace Trade Certified bags, we hop on a truck from Goma, DRC all the way to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. A 7 day voyage over land, through mountains, grasslands, over rivers and across the entire Rift Valley.

Once we reach port, we get to begin our 30-35 day voyage around Africa with a brief stop in Spain - because who doesn’t want to stop by Spain?

We land at New York Harbor, are picked up by the industry experts from Continental, and within hours we coordinate the final leg of this journey to you.